Pass a Test Charm
pendant necklacewhite candle
paper with incantation written on it
tub of water
"on the tests these upcoming days, I receive solid A's. I may accept a couple B's, just as long as the results please."steps:
1. cleanse area and cast a circle2.light the candle
3. bathe the necklace in the heat of the candle, this will simultaneously cleanse and charge it.
4. with the necklace in hand (don't touch the part that was closest to the flame if it's metal) read the incantation as many times as you feel necessary, visualizing taking the test and knowing everything. visualize finishing confidently, visualize getting your results back as you desired.
5. when done, rip the paper and put it in the water. At this point I usually improvise, I might burn the edges if the paper (once dried) and put it in a bag to bring with me, or I might pour some of the wax on it and wrap it in an orange peel. it's up to you
6. end the spell
while taking your test, wear the necklace. If you're doing this for exams, each night hold the necklace in your hand and visualize you passing your upcoming exams for the next day until exams are over.
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