Sun Jar Spell
gif source:
jargold glitter glue
orange/red+yellow dye
red glitter (optional)
orange essential oil
sunstone and any other red, orange, or yellow crystals
clear quartz or a seashell
sun water
"Clouds begone, the day is clear. The sun is bright and warm. With a swirl of this jar, the weather is sunny, welcoming, and clear. so mote it be."steps:
1. combine water, oils, glitter, and glue in the jar2. charge in sun for ~30 minutes, or however long you see fit
3. cast a cleansing energy circle, make your lighting warm (red, yellow, orange, etc.) or light a candle
4. place the crystals in a circle around the jar, and place the clear quartz/shell on the lid
5. cup the jar and say the incantation
6. end the spell
to use:
swirl jar whenever you want the sky to be clear. recharge in the sun whenever you can.
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