Starfluid Fragment Genders
the starfluid counterpart to genderdoe/genderfae
it is fluid between any genders except masculine or man-aligned genders, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics
the starfluid counterpart to genderfaer
it is fluid between any genders except man, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics
the starfluid counterpart to genderfaun
it is fluid between any genders except feminine or woman-aligned genders, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics
the starfluid counterpart to genderfaunet
it is fluid between any genders except woman, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics
the starfluid counterpart to genderflor
it is fluid between any genders except masculine or man-aligned genders or feminine or woman-aligned genders, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics
the starfluid counterpart to genderfloren
it is fluid between any genders except man or woman, with the only consistency being a tie to celestial energy or aesthetics

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