Happy Relationship Spell
piece of paperpink pen/crayon/marker
rose quartz
1. sit in front of a table or stool with your piece of paper on front of you. imagine a white glowing dome covering you and the stool/table. then think or say out loud "cleanse" as the dome fills with white light. take a few deep breaths.2. design and write sigil on paper
3. light your candle and put it behind the paper
4. place your hand over it, feel energy go to your fingertips, visualize it as pink or white light, and feel it fill the sigil. say out loud or in your head: "[partner] and I are in a healthy, long lasting relationship with a lot of communication"
5. remove your hand. hover the rose quartz above the flame. imagine your relationship the way you want it. then put the rose quartz on the sigil.
6. put the lipstick on, and kiss the paper once below the sigil, once next to the sigil on the right, once on the left, and once above.
7. imagine the dome dissolving and blow/snuff out the candle.
8. fold the paper up, put it under your pillow for the night. put the rose quartz by a place you'll be often, like by your bed

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