makeup glamour spell
lipgloss/lipstick/chapstick/makeup product, any amountsmall bowl
rose petals (love, beauty)
rose quartz (love, self love, beauty)
amethyst (stress relief, self love, connection to spirit)
seashell (beauty, femininity)
1. put petals and lip products in the bowl2. arrange crystals in a circle around the bowl
3. integrate the shell into the circle or hold it in your hand
4. cleanse and meditate
5. imagine ideal results
6. hold each makeup product one-by-one and visualize how it will look and feel. repeat "beauty and self-love" as you fill the lipgloss with energy.
7. end spell
after the spell is done you may use the lipgloss right away, or charge it in the moonlight to boost the potency. you may want a pink or white candle to be lit or for the lighting to be pink/dim while doing the spell.
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