
Aliencatgender is defined as a gender influenced by cats and aliens and/or space! The way that it influences ones gender has to do entirely on the individual, and it can be combined with other genders to specify. You can also replace the gender part of it with another gender. for example, aliencatgirl or aliencatfluid.
Aliencatgender is not exclusive to anyone, and I will personally denounce anyone who says it is.
The stripes' meanings are:
purple: spacelavender: nonbinary identity
blue: cats as an earthly animal
green: cats as an otherworldly alien animal
darker green: aliens as a concept
here is a place to buy a physical flag to hang on your wall!
here is a place to buy official aliencatgener merch on redbubble!
As with any other gender, there aren't a specific set of pronouns associated with this gender. However, if you want any specific to cats or aliens, this is a good list to find some! I recommend this set, as it means cat but looks a little like the word alien.

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